What are some uplifting books for women? What is the best book to build self-confidence? How do books deal with low self-esteem? All of my recommendations below are non-fictional, by the way. I would classify them as a mixture of educational, self-help, and empowering reads. These are a mix of books for women’s self-esteem, must-read feminist literature, boss woman, self-reflection books, books about self-love, and books about confidence. Here, we will tell you once in a lifetime books for woman.
These have all changed my opinion of myself as a woman for the better. I have gained more respect and gratitude towards my own body and mind. And I can proudly say that I have come to love myself for who I am.
So here’s my list of inspiring books every woman should read at least once in her lifetime:
Women Who Run With The Wolves

Author: Clarissa Pinkola Estés
This book helps women understand and reconnect with what is called ‘the wild woman’. It consists of interesting stories that show women who have lost their connection to this powerful feminine energy and inspire the reader to dive deep into her own soul and reconnect.
Within every woman, there lives a powerful force filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing. She is the Wild Woman, who represents the instinctual nature of women. But she is an endangered species.
I honestly think that “Women Who Run With The Wolves” is a book that every woman should read at least once in her lifetime to understand the power that resonates within her. Even if you’re not into spirituality or mindfulness, this book will still leave you feeling empowered. And you’ll have a new appreciation for yourself as a woman as well as your fellow sisters all around you!
Dear Girl

Author: Aija Mayrock
Dear girl is a very light-hearted book with a big message. Written in poetry, every page of this book hits you differently. Granted, I’m not into poetry at all, but something about the vibe of this book and the simplicity of the cover peeked my attention and made me order it anyway. And I ended up reading the whole thing in one sitting!
The poems can be read individually, but when you read through them all at once, you’ll find that they tell a bigger story. A story for girls to love and value themselves. I read through it twice, and now it sits on my nightstand permanently. Whenever I feel down I open a random page and let the words sink in and do their magic.
When you’re feeling down, read this poetry collection. It’s meant to uplift your spirit and to remind yourself that you’re more than enough. You don’t need to seek validation from anyone. We, as women, should unite and support each other. It’s a promising debut poetry collection.
The Comparison Cure

Author: Lucy Sheridan
Reading the book felt like having a drink with your bestie, who is giving you the much-needed pep talk. I have checked the author’s social media account, and she seems to be a genuinely sweet person. I am sure she has aided many people in their journey to emotional well-being. And she calls herself a coach, not a psychotherapist.
As you can tell by the title, it covers the topic of unhealthy comparison. Women are GREAT at comparing themselves to others. ‘They’re more talented than I am’, ‘They are prettier than I am’, ‘They are more likeable than I am’.
The Comparison Cure helps you quiet that inner critic and use other people’s success as motivation to improve yourself instead of putting yourself down. Or even better – learn to accept that you can’t be (and don’t have to be) the best at everything, and that is COMPLETELY fine! Healthy, even.
The book covers topics such as social media, friendships, relationships, career, personal growth, etc.
Nice Girls Dont Get Rich

Author : Lois P. Frankal
Lois Frankal proposed that the things we learned as girls may be preventing us from becoming financially independent and following our dreams. If you are looking for inspiration to get started on changing your financial lifestyle, Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich is a great start. If you’re looking for an overall how-to for investing, this isn’t the book for you. It’s sort of like Rich Dad, Poor Dad but aimed at empowering women.
This book will provide you with the financial savvy you need to change negative behaviours, make intelligent money choices and embrace the life you want.
Think Like A Breadwinner

Author: Jannifer Barret
In this book, Barrett shares the secrets of women who already think like breadwinners. Barrett reveals not only the importance of women building their own wealth but also the freedom and power that comes with it. A new kind of manifesto for the working woman, with tips on building wealth and finding balance.
I have a new list of investment strategies and other job things to consider. The first section about how women don’t see themselves as breadwinners resonated with me. Often (subconsciously or not), we assume we will end up with a partner who will make more than us, or we will dial back our careers when kids come, and we will be taken care of in some way. So, we don’t think about the long-term trajectories of our careers as much or about whether our career will enable us to have the lifestyle (including type of job, job balance, income, vacation, etc) we want. I sort of realized I had been doing this, and it made me want to be more active in thinking about what I want in my career, how I will invest (retire early?) and how to get there.
What do you think? Have you read any of these books for woman, or are you planning to? And what book do YOU think every woman should read at least once in her life? Leave your recommendations in a comment down below because I’d love to check them out!